Saturday, October 31, 2009

Arrived in London

So, we departed the village Thursday morning, stopped for some coffee in Jinja, and then split with the rest of the group with them going back towards Kampala and Greg, Lauren, Jared, Matt and Jenni going to the Hairy Lemon.

The Hairy Lemon is a campground type area that is actually a small island on the Nile River. It was very picturesque and relaxing. We were able to get a shower after several days in the very muddy village and talk about our experiences so far through the trip. It was a very good time of further getting to hear about the ups and downs we have experienced and the lessons that we have learned so far.

We departed Friday morning back to Nasana and spent the next several hours packing up, tagging paper bead necklaces that support the Threads of Life ministry of CLD and saying goodbyes to our friends at CLD. We went to a pizza restaurant on Lake Victoria by the airport with Jenni, our driver Emma, and a Ugandan friend Florence. It was a great time of relaxing and hearing insight about the Church in America and in Uganda. We got through the airport with no real hassles and flew for 9 hours. We landed in Heathrow and got through pretty quickly.

We are now sitting at the Ace Hotel(where we will be staying the next 2 nights) which is from where we are updating the blog.

We are looking forward to getting home and getting to share more details about the stories we have experienced and lessons we are learning.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Village Life

We have spent the last two days and nights in a village of one of the pastors who works with CLD. It is outside of Kalero, in eastern Uganda. There was no power or running water, but shown gracious hospitality by the families we stayed with. Our meals were simple with porridge for breakfast, rice and beans for lunches and dinners. We slept on the floors of the concrete house under mosquito nets (Jared, Greg, and Matt sharing one net and two pads was a bonding experience).

Our time there was spent encouraging the village pastor, Jacob, and visiting both a primary and secondary school. The visits allowed us an opportunity to hear from the students about their hopes and give them a chance to ask us questions about American life. The weather over the last two days has been challenging as it rained on and off most of our time there. Despite the weather our team played a soccer game against the secondary school, losing 4 to 2. The students found great joy in seeing the "muzungus" defeated by their schoolmates. Last night we distributed both candy and toothpaste & toothbrushes to the people of the village before they showed a movie on the projector we brought from Kampala.

We are now in Jinja where we will separate from the rest of the CLD team for the next two days. Our team along with Jennie O are going to spend some time at a campground on the Nile river about 20km outside of Jinja. The retreat campground is called the Hairy Lemon and we have heard you take a boat to reach it. It should be an interesting adventure to conclude our time here in Uganda with.

Our time here is coming to an end and we are grateful for the opportunity to spend these last few days reflecting on our experiences and debriefing them with Jennie O. We look forward to sharing more stories and pictures of our time with many of you soon. Thank you for your prayers over the last few weeks.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pictures After All !

Apparently we lied, we are going to put some pictures up after all. Greg, Lauren, and Matt are spending some time at the Internet cafe before heading down to the Kids house while Jared is running around doing other stuff in Kampala.
Here are some pictures:
Here is Greg, Lauren and Jared in London.

Here is Matt in London in front of a large swan in Hyde Park.

Here is Greg and Lauren at the Kids House

Here is Jared and our friend from Colorado Tiffney at the Kids house.

Here is our friend from TNL and CLD staff member Jenni with baby Jonathon. Read her blog linked on the side for more information about baby Jonathon.

Here Greg and Lauren are passing out cars.

Here Jared is leading the kids in Yoga.

Kids on the slip and slide.

Greg, Jared, and our friend from Colorado Nate about to partake in Indian food.

We spent this morning preparing for our village outreach. We spent half of our project money on buying the trees for the farm and hiring laborers to plant the trees we were unable to get to. The rest of the project money is being put towards the village outreach which will include buying a pig for CLD's Pigs for Hope ministry in the village.
We will be spending Tuesday, Wednesday, and part of Thursday in the village doing ministry, playing soccer, showing evangelistic films and trying to partner with what God is already doing in the village of Kalioro.
Thursday afternoon/evening and Friday morning will be spent in the town of Jinja at the headwaters of the Nile. We start our journey back to the States around midnight Friday night/Saturday morning.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Friends from Colorado in Uganda

Our friends, Nate, Tiffney, and Josh have their own blog - Epic Adventure

Sorry - No Pictures

Since our internet access has been limited and none of us brought a laptop, we are unable to upload pictures. Sorry. :-(

We plan to upload pictures of our experience and friends over here in Uganda when we return.

Kids House and Church

Since our last post, we have gotten to enjoy many “rolexes” with and without hot sauces(those we brought and those that were here). Fri. night there was a party for a CLD staff member, Torrey, who is leaving at the end of this week to go back to the States. We got to have lots of good discussions through the night and Greg, Matt, Jared, and our friend Josh decided to act like we were college students and stayed up until 2:30 AM talking through the night. Some of us(Jared), paid for that decision more than others. ;-)

Saturday was mainly spent at the Kids House. CLD does a weekly Saturday activity with the kids. They try and alternate a really big event, like going to the zoo, with doing smaller activities at the house. This Saturday was the week to do smaller activities with the kids. The first part of the day was spent reading and coloring with the kids. There was a break to eat beans and rice for dinner. Sarah and Ryan, former staff and volunteers, had sent over Matchbox cars for all the kids at the Kids House. The kids were very excited for their new toys. We then had some great fun of Slip and Slide with the kids. Jared decided to lead by example and demonstrate the proper way to Slip and Slide.

The rest of Saturday night was a night used for resting, recharging and a great game of Nerts. We also got to experience our very first Uganda power outage.

Sunday morning was spent at the unique cultural of Ugandan church. We went for the very end of English worship and got to hear Justine preach an English message. It was a very good message about continuing to grow in Christ and to run the race set out for us. There was an interesting theme of not totally relying on our pastors but that we can approach God just as well as our pastors can. It is a good message for both sides of the Atlantic. It fascinating that just like God is present throughout all of time, he is also present in all of the world. Seeing our brothers and sisters in Christ joyfully worship our Lord during the Ugandan worship time was a great joy.

We went to the craft market this afternoon, drank delicious coffee and tea at 1000 Cups and are taking our friends of CLD to dinner for a well deserved treat.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Life on the Farm

For the last two days our team has joined with other CLD Staff and Volunteers in planting a "live fence" at the CLD farm. It sounded easy enough until we saw the project. It required slashing the growth back to hoe and plant the seedings - 5,000 of them were purchased. We were able to plant over 1,500 of them and hopeful that they will make it. No serious injuries were sustained, although Greg did manage to cut his finger enough to cover his pants and machete in blood, but we think that it was a ploy to make Lauren more attracted to him. Matt and Jared chose to not shed any blood in Uganda so far as they have no women to impress.

After working on the farm on Thursday we attended Prayer Alter at the local church which was an experience of group prayer and worship unlike anything most of the team had ever seen. Friday after the farm we stopped by the Kid's House for our second time and celebrated the birthdays of two of the volunteers. Thanks to George from Mountain Man Candy we were able to give each child their own bag of sweets.

The team was introduced to the local fare of "Rolex" which is a rolled chapati and fried egg ("rolled egg" is the etymology). It has been the dining highlight so far as lunch is peanut butter and bread and dinner is potato and either beans or some other vegetable.

The staff of CLD has been gracious in welcoming us into their lives and world here. It is encouraging to hear about how many of them have connections with TNL. In many ways the CLD house is a unique Colorado - Uganda relationship of family and friends.
We will be returning to the Kids House this weekend, attending church, hopefully meeting some friends from Colorado for dinner in Kampala, and beginning planning on the Village Outreach for next week.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Welcome to Uganda

We landed in Entebbe this morning around 7:30 local time. The view of the sunrise from the plane was spectacular -- it seemed that the horizon was endless and the sun rose as a red ball from leftover storm clouds.

From Entebbe it was about an hour car ride to Nansana and the CLD headquarters. We got settled in and then headed out to visit Solomon at the sew shop -- he and the women working there are truly inspirational. We were fortunate to be able to share in a devotional time with the women led by James the Boy ("the Boy" beacause he's not a woman, but he hangs out at the sew shop).

Our latest adventure was our first taste of Ugandan food. I had matooke and chapati in g-nut sauce. Its no Oscar Meyer weiner, but quite satisfying. We're on our way to play soccer with the kids from the Children's Home, and then maybe some much needed sleep.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hot Sauce, Broncos, and Fish & Chips

We are 12 hours into our journey to Uganda and the trip has already been full of adventure. First was three hot sauces from BW3's that Matt P was taking to one of our friends in Uganda that he had left in his carry on. We were escorted out of security at DIA to find a box and newspaper from a recycle bin to pack the sauces in a box and check as baggage to Uganda. We found a plac to watch the Broncos game while waiting for our flight that was 30 minutes delayed. As the first half ended we began to walk toward the gate to hear our names being paged over the intercom. As the final four passengers on the flight we sat down commenting about how bad it would have been to miss our first flight for the Broncos game (which we are unsure of if they won or not). Nine hours later we arrived in London for a nine hour delay until our next flight. We took the train into London for lunch of pints and fish & chips.
We are grateful for all the thoughts and prayers and will attempt to update the blog when we arrive in Uganda and have access to internet. Grace and peace.