This evening we leave London for Uganda. Our flight was, as described by our BA stewardess, "a bit bumpy", but we arrived safe and sound. All of our luggage, inclduing a bin for Ben and Holly duct taped by Kimbal at the last moment at DIA, arrived as well. Our hotel is a study in small spaces and staircases. Kellen and Kimbal have the "penthouse suite", located after six flights of stairs and about sixty five square feet of lodging heaven.
We were fortunate to meet Holly's family here in London - her parents, Jay and Terri, and her siblings, Travis and Christina.

We celebrated Kimbal's birthday at a local coffee shop complete with burning stir sticks as make shift candles. We spent the evening in traditional British fashion, watching the World Cup game between USA and Italy. Afterword we enjoyed walking to the South Bank along the Thames River, taking too many pictures of Big Ben and laughing at our evening entertainment, Kimbal and Travis, complete with matching cowboy hats.
Sunday morning here in London has allowed us time to catch our breath and some rest. Hyde Park affords a calm and quiet refuge among a busy city for us to pause and pray about the road ahead. This time tomorrow we will be in Kampala, it is what is most in our thoughts. That along with that many of our friends and families are together today in various places praying for us.
Grace and peace.
[Jared Mackey]
1 comment:
Hey team:
I just wanted to let Jared know that he missed a great Sesame Street this morning. I forgot what the letter of the day was, but the number of the day was 15,688. I guess they were adding up all of the numbers of the day from every Sesame Street so far.
Keep the faith,
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