As Chady & I prepare to leave for Uganda tomorrow morning, I am filled with such excitement for this trip. God has provided beyond what we could have asked for or imagined both financially and in words of encouragement, support, and prayers. But I also feel a burden of the reality of this trip. It will not be a “pleasure cruise” and part of me is unsure as to what God has in store. So, with my feet on the ground and my head in the clouds, I look forward to experiencing the things that only He can bring. I know that He has a purpose and plan for this time, even if I am somewhat unsure of what that might be.
We are going to be working with Come, Let’s Dance in Kampala spending time with the kids in the displaced children’s home, working in the slums, and just helping out wherever they need it. The trip feels a little nebulous because we don’t have specific activities planned for each day, but, to be honest, I prefer it that way. Being open to God’s timing and schedule gives me a hands-off feeling, trusting that whatever He brings our way is what is needed at the time. I am so looking forward to interacting with and building relationship them. I am hoping and praying that we will be a source of encouragement to those at CLD, and even to those that we meet along the way. Also, we are hoping to meet up with Jennie Otte and spend some time with her before she returns to the states.
We will be posting blogs as often as possible to keep everyone updated on what is happening. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and feel free to respond to the postings. Words of encouragement are always accepted and appreciated. =) May each of you find joy in this day, knowing that the God who created you did so with a purpose. May the joy of the Lord be our strength.
Ladies -
Our thoughts, hopes, and prayers are with you. Tell Jer hello and greet Shane and Julie for us with a hug.
Grace and peace.
Tanya & Chady (or, as the hipsters might say, "TNC"),
I hope your outbound flights were smooth and that you got to enjoy some chocolates and warm towels. May the Holy Spirit guide you as you drop your nets and follow.
Yea!!! I am so excited for you guys!! I know the Lord has prepared you for whatever you encounter. Can't wait to hear about your journey over and your initial experiences.
Love, blessings and prayers for you both!
Hi Ladies,
I hope you had a wonderful flight! I know you must be tired. My prayers and thoughts are with you always. May God use you in ways that you couldn't even imagine and touch the lives of many!
Love, MOM
T, you look great....praying for you.
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